Mission Statement The mission of the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office is to improve the quality of life for our citizens by working collaboratively with area law enforcement, commissioner’s court, our community, and our contract holders to prevent crime, enforce the law, reduce fear, increase mobility and target violent offenders for prosecution.
Tweets by Precinct 4
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His duties include managing and leading the largest constable’s office in the United States with an annual budget of over $57 million dollars and a staff of over 500 sworn deputies and dozens of civilian employees. Constable Herman is a staunch supporter of community-based policing and field force multipliers, all in an effort to strategically reduce crime. His entire adult life has been dedicated to public service and improving the quality of life for all residents of Harris County and Precinct 4.
Constable Herman is a graduate of the Leadership Command College, Class 72, of the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas which is a prestigious program put on by Texas A&M University, Sam Houston State University and Texas Woman's University. He is also a graduate of the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA) Program as well as the Constable Leadership College. More...
Contract Deputy Program
PCT4 Training Academy
PCT4 Careers
Want to know what it is like to be a Constable's Deputy? Do you want to know more about what our agency does to keep our community safe? Enroll in our Citizens Police Academy to learn more about the behind the scenes and on scene operations of Precinct 4.
Click Here for more information or to sign up for the Citizen's Police Academy.
The Contract Deputy Program (CDP) is open to subdivisions, groups of subdivisions or municipal districts who contract with the agency to provide deputies for law enforcement services to a particular area. The Contract Deputy Program provides high visibility which helps in reducing crime in the area. The CDP is a way for neighborhoods and subdivisions that want or need additional patrol services to increase existing law enforcement services. Aside from regular patrol duties, calls for service and traffic enforcement, the CDP provides special services such as vacation watches for residents who may be out of town or have a particular problem that needs to be addressed. For more information regarding the Contract Deputy Program, Contact Us. or visit Contract Deputy Program.
The Harris County Precinct 4's Training Academy is responsible for providing continuing education to thousands of peace officers at the agency and across the State of Texas. Training courses include but are not limited to intermediate courses, crime scene photography, computer crimes investigations, new supervisor certification, field training officer certification and many more.
The Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office offers great opportunity for those pursuing a career in law enforcement. We offer a competitive step structured salary, a strong and secure retirement system and healthy incentive pay options. We are currently seeking highly-motivated and qualified deputies to join our team. Start your career today by clicking here.